Jasper Ralph wins the All-Island Spelling Bee!
On Friday, March 16th at the PAC, six island spellers competed for first place prize in the Scripps Spelling Bee. The winner gets an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C. for the finals in May! The students were all the top spellers of their school. The spelling bee took an hour to complete, with all the speller’s classrooms watching (for WTS Sue and Peter’s 5th graders). All of the spellers did a great job, but in the end there were only two left: Jasper and Louisiana from Tisbury. Louisiana incorrectly spelled “knavery” (forgot the k) and Jasper then correctly spelled “apathy”. Now it was time for his championship word: fatigue. The audience held their breathe. He did it. He won!! The West Tisbury School will once again be represented at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. in May. Congratulations, Jasper!!

Emma Bena Wins First Place in the Cape Cod Times in the Classroom Competition!
4th Grader Emma Bena won a first place award in the Cape Cod Times in the Classroom competition! She won for her
opinion piece about having a longer lunch period at WTS!! Congratulations, Emma!

Graham Stearns accepts Scholastic Gold Key award at Tufts.
8th Grader Graham Stearns headed up to Tufts University on Saturday, March 17th to accept his Scholastic GOLD KEY award in poetry for a poem he wrote about …. fishing. His work will be on display for a month at Tufts and his name is in the Boston Globe! Good job and congratulations, Graham!!